TM 10-7360-204-13&P
a. General. This MAC assigns maintenance functions in accordance with the Three Level Maintenance
concept. The three levels are depicted on the MAC as:
UNIT levelcorresponds to an O code in the Repair Parts and Special Tools List (RPSTL). A C code entry
under UNIT denotes maintenance performed by the crew or operator within UNIT maintenance.
INTERMEDIATE levelcorresponds to an For an H code in the RPSTL.
DEPOT levelcorresponds to a D code in the RPSTL.
b. Unit Maintenance. Maintenance to be performed in the Unit level is described as follows:
(1) Unit Maintenance activities are staffed and equipped to perform high frequency on equipment
maintenance tasks required to retain or return equipment to a serviceable condition. These tasks include
preventive maintenance and repair and replace functions associated with a high level of mission capability.
(2) Unit Maintenance inspection and servicing include daily (usually performed by operator or crew),
periodic, and special inspections, as authorized by the MAC or higher headquarters.
(3) Unit level maintains a Combat Prescribed Load List (PPL) which consists of items on the
Mandatory Parts List (MPL) and items which are demand supported.
(4) Unit level performs troubleshooting, replace, and limited repair functions as authorized by the
MAC, RPSTL, and applicable technical manuals.
c. Intermediate Maintenance. Maintenance to be performed in the Intermediate level is described as
(1) One stop maintenance support through use of mobile weapon system oriented maintenance teams
to perform authorized maintenance (that exceeds Unit level capability) to effect quick repair and return to
user capabilities.
(2) Maintains a Combat Authorized Stockage List (ASL), Mandatory Parts List (MPL), Direct
Exchange (DX), and provides limited Operational Readiness Float (ORF) for supported units.
(3) Provides collection, classification, and recovery services for serviceable and unserviceable material
and maintains a Battle Damage Assessment (BDA) capability.
(4) Provides maintenance support for the theater supply system through repair of components and
DX items.
(5) Provides maintenance units composed of commodity oriented platoons which maybe augmented
by support teams that deploy forward if the tactical situation permits.
(6) Maintains Operational Readiness Float (ORF) stocks in support of the theater.