TM 10-7310-239-13
Section I. GENERAL
1-4. Equipment Serviceability Criteria (ESC)
1-1. Scope
This manual is for your use in operating and maintaining
the baking and roasting oven.
This equipment is not covered by an ESC>
1-2. Maintenance Forms and Records
1-5. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy
Maintenance forms and records that you are required to
use are explained in TM 38-760.
Refer to TM 750-244-3 for information on the destruction
1-3. Reporting of Errors
of Army material to prevent enemy use.
You can improve this manual by calling attention to
1-6. Administrative Storage
errors and by recommending improvements, using DA
Form 2028 (Recommended Chang to Publications), or
by a letter, and mail direct to Commanding General, US
Refer to TM 740-90-1 for information on administrative
Army Mobility Equipment Command, ATTN: AMSME-
MPP, St. Louis, Missouri 63120.
1-7. Description
of the oven.
Tabulated Data. Refer to
Table 1-1 for data
The Compartment baking and roasting oven (fig. 1-1) is
items applicable to the oven.
used primarily for baking bread the field. It is also used
for cooking meats, vegetables, and other foods. It
Table 1-1. Tabulated Data
serves as an effective warming cabinet for keeping food
hot prior being served. The oven is heated with the
burner unit, gasoline, field range outfit shown in the
Dimensions of Oven:
Height (without diverter) ..................56 3/4 inches
of the oven are the downdraft diverter assembly, body,
Height (with diverter) .......................72 inches
thermometer, and door assemblies.
Width (carrying handles lowered).....27 inches
Width (carrying handles raised) .......31 1/2 inches
1-8. Difference in Models
Depth (oven doors closed) ...............31 1/2 inches
Depth (oven doors opened) .............41 1/2 inches
No known unit differences exist for the models covered
Exhaust Opening .............................6 inches
by this manual.
Dimensions of Baking Compartments:
1-9. Tabulated Data
Height..............................................9 7/8 inches
a. Data Plates.
Width...............................................14 7/8 inches
(1) An identification plate (fig. 1X2) is attached
Depth ..............................................27 1/2 inches
Weight of Oven:
to the front of the oven above the upper door.
Without burner unit ..........................217 pounds
(2) A combination name-instruction plate (fig. 1-
With burner unit ...............................263 pounds
2) is located next to the identification plate on the front