TM 10-7310-282-10
0002 00
Ice Machine
The ice machine provides cube ice for Force
Provider Kitchen personnel to use in food
preparation. Cube ice is stored in an
insulated bin contained in the unit.
The following units may be found in
Snyder General Corp - CAE-045-30
Mcquay-Perfex Inc - CAE-045-30
Schneider Metal Mfg Co Inc, Ross Temp Div
- RC-360-SC
Scotsman Industries Inc., Scotsman Ice
Systems Div - CME650AE-32A/SPKMD-
1/HTB250, CME650AS-32A/HTB350,
Defense Supply Center Richmond - DGSC-
88-06 TYII SZ3 GRA
Steam Kettle
The steam kettle is used to prepare liquid
food items in volume. The steam jacket
prevents hot spots and burning of food
items. This type incorporates a draw-off
valve to drain the kettle basin.
The following units may be found in
Groen - EE-20
Legion - LEC-20
0002 00-4