TM 10-7310-282-10
0002 00
20 Cubic Foot Refrigerator
The 20 cubic foot refrigerator is a single door
cold storage unit used as a "break out" box
in the Electric Kitchen.
The following units may be found in
National Refrigeration (Continental)
- C-22-RS-1S , C-26-RS-1S
Foster Refrigerator L L C - GH-20-T-SS
Howard Refrigerator Co Inc - HC20QS
Kessel Kitchen Equipment Co Inc -
KK14230, KK20924
Puffer-Hubbard Refrigerator Co - SS-R-23-1
2 Section Refrigerator
The 2 section refrigerator is a double door
cold storage unit used as a "break out" box
in the Electric Kitchen.
The following units may be found in
National Refrigeration (Continental)
- 1-2RDS-2S, 2R-SS
0002 00-8