TM 10-7310-282-10
0023 00
9. Locate the items listed below and two storage/drying rack assemblies. Pack rack set #3 in the same
manner as rack set #2.
Food Serving and Storage Pans
Food Serving Pan Covers
10. Locate ten baking and roast pans (bottom)
a. Wrap baking and roast pans with cushioning material.
b. Place inside a 25 -inch x 19 -inch x 14 -inch fiberboard container.
11. Locate ten baking and roast pans (tops) and pack in the same manner as above.
Packing Procedures for TRICON 10N (standard FP configuration)
Bottom Layer
Use appropriate number of personnel when moving large, bulky, or heavy items. Never
individually attempt to lift an item if it requires more than one person to avoid serious injury.
1. Locate TRICON container with "FOOD SERVICE KITCHEN KIT CO. TYPE 10N..." stenciled on the
left door (this container should be staged in the Food Service area).
2. Ensure plywood boxes, shelving and bracing are present and serviceable in TRICON. If no longer
serviceable, these will have to be reproduced before packing.
3. Attach one tiedown strap to the back tiedown loops on the left side of the container. Connect another
tiedown strap to the lower rear corner tiedown bar on the right side of the container.
4. Place the oven container lengthwise into the back left corner of the container.
5. Connect the tiedown strap behind the steam table component boxes to tie down the loop in front of the
6. Place one griddle riser on the floor of the container in front of the oven container.
7. Connect the tiedown strap from behind the oven container to tie down the loop in front of the steam
table component boxes. Use a piece of fiberboard to protect the griddle from damage. Use another
tiedown strap and connect it from the tiedown loop next to the griddle to the loop in front of the steam
table component boxes.
8. Connect the tiedown straps to the corresponding tiedown loops and secure.
9. Place a cross board in front of the layer.
0023 00-24