TM 10-7310-282-10
0031 00
The cabinet interior is hot. Use care when operating, cleaning and servicing the food warming
cabinet. Failure to observe safety precautions may result in serious burn injury to personnel.
Not all cabinets supplied under this NSN have operator serviceable plug-in type heating
elements. Check your cabinet thoroughly before proceeding. If your cabinet requires any
tools to perform this maintenance task, refer this task to unit maintenance.
Replace the Humidifier Assembly
1. Open the cabinet door.
2. Remove the water pan from the cabinet interior.
Ensure the cabinet is disconnected from any power source. Place the plug end of the power
cord in plain sight, or in your pocket while performing this maintenance item. Failure to
observe safety precautions may result in serious injury or death to personnel.
3. Remove the heating element from the cabinet interior, and save for unit maintenance to test.
4. Install the replacement element in the cabinet interior.
5. Install the water pan.
6. Close the cabinet door.
7. Connect power, and test for normal operation.
0031 00-2