TM 10-7360-209-13&P
AO--(Assembled by
org/AVUM Level)
Items with these codes are not to be requested/requisi-
AF--(Assembled by
t i o n e d i n d i v i d u a l l y . The parts that make up the assembled
DS/AVIM Level)
item must be requisitioned or fabricated and assembled
AH--(Assembled by
at the level of maintenance indicated by the source code.
GS Category)
AL--(Assembled by
If the 3d position code of the SMR code authorizes you
to replace the item, but the source code indicates the
items are assembled at a higher level, order the item
AD--(Assembled by
from the higher level of maintenance.
XA--Do not requisition an "XA"-coded item. O r d e r its next higher assembly. (Also,
refer to the NOTE below.)
XB--If an "XB" item is not available from salvage, order it using the FSCM and
part number given.
X C - - I n s t a l l a t i o n drawing, diagram, instruction sheet, field service drawing, that
i s identified by manufacturer's part number.
XD--Item is not stocked. Order an "XD"-coded item through normal supply channels
using the FSCM and part number given, if no NSN is available.
C a n n i b a l i z a t i o n or controlled exchange, when authorized,
may be used as a source of supply for items with the above
source codes, except for those source coded "XA" or those
a i r c r a f t support items restricted by requirements of AR
(2) Maintenance Code. Maintenance codes tells you the level(s) of mainte-
nance authorized to USE and REPAIR support items. The maintenance
codes are entered in the third and fourth positions of the SMR code
a s follows:
( a ) The maintenance code entered in the third position
tells you
the lowest maintenance level authorized to remove,
and use an item. The maintenance code entered in
the third
p o s i t i o n will indicate authorization to one of the
levels of maintenance.
--Crew or operator maintenance done within o r g a n i z a t i o n a l
o r aviation unit maintenance.
- - O r g a n i z a t i o n a l or aviation unit category can remove,
replace, and use the item.
- - D i r e c t support or aviation intermediate
level can remove,
replace, and use the item.
Change 1 C-3